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It took place in July 2024 at University of Catania -in the Italian island of Sicily-, where professors from different EUNICE universities addressed Multifunctional Materials and Sustainability.

Over forty EUNICE doctoral students from Poznan University of Technologu, in Poland, University of Cantabria, in Spain, and University of Mons, in Belgium, together with their colleagues from University of Catania, in Italy, took part in the second edition of the Reunice Doctoral Summer School. This year, this one-week programme taking place at University of Catania was dedicated to Multi-Functional Materials and Sustainability.

The Reunice Doctoral Summer School is the first Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme coordinated and organised by University of Catania together with Poznan University of Technology, University of Cantabria and University of Mons. This Erasmus+ mobility programme allows students to combine short-term physical mobility with virtual mobility, using innovative teaching and learning methods. In addition, this shorter type of physical mobility makes it possible for more people to live the experience of studying abroad.

“This Summer School represents a stage of the path started in past years as part of EUNICE and is aimed at doctoral students of the partnership. This year, the chosen theme is that of multifunctional materials and sustainability,” explained Professor Cristina Satriano. It involved various multidisciplinary fields -from physics to chemistry to agriculture-, as well as foreign professors such as Philippe Leclère of University of Mons, Clara Casado of University of Cantabria and Michał Niemczak of Poznan University of Technology.