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GOMET team has received three awards during the local competition “Créathon 2023”, and will present their project during the EUNICE Imagine Innovation Cup at the University of Catania (Italy).

The team is composed of six 3rd-year engineering students: Clémence Ruminy, Idriss Caizergues, Yassine El Hajim, Emma Sengel, Nathan Lusson, and Bastien Doublet. They were awarded the “Grand Prix” and “EUNICE” awards by the jury, on 23rd June. The public also praised their project, awarding them the “Coup de Coeur” award.

GOMET, a project to make daily life easier for caregivers

After visiting an EHPAD nursing home (residential facilities for dependent elderly people), the student team realized that the nursing staff were faced with a major problem every day: knowing the exact location of medical equipment. This led them to develop an idea for a solution that could be applied to many different types of facility: GOMET.

Caption: GOMET team presenting their project to the Grand Jury and audience

Their concept consists in tracking medical-technical equipment (beds, mattresses, armchairs, etc.) thanks to an application linked to a database which will collect the various information of the equipment thanks to RFID chips placed on it with detectors located at strategic points to delimit zones (staircase, elevators, corridor doors…).

“Créathon”, an annual competition for engineering students

Créathon is a creativity marathon organised each year by INSA Hauts-de-France (component institution of Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France). It consists of an intensive week-long challenge during which students are asked to come up with an innovative product or service proposal based on a given theme.

Grouped into several project-teams and supervised by a number of teachers and experts, the students present their innovative proposals to a panel of judges, some of whom are professionals, entrepreneurs and business people.

At the very end of the Créathon, four finalist teams are selected to take part in a Grand Jury, which may lead to one of these teams continuing their adventure by receiving the help they need to develop their idea.

Caption: GOMET team accompanied by Prof. Dominique Deneux (EUNICE mediation officer at UPHF) and Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed (EUNICE Work Package Co-Leader at UPHF).

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