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From 6 to 16 October, “Fête de la science”, a free, popular event that celebrates science, technology and innovation throughout France, took place all over the country. It is aimed at the general public and helps to promote the sharing of knowledge between scientists and the general public. On this occasion, UPHF organised and hosted various events throughout the week.

On 10th October, Eric Cattan and Sébastien Grondel, researchers from UPHF (IEMN UMR CNRS 8520 – Valenciennes site). Students from middle school got to discover the world’s smallest nano-drone and the work carried out by these two teacher-researchers.

Researchers Erica Cattan and Sébastien Grondel presenting OVMI, the world’s smallest nano-drone (Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France).

On 12th and 13th October, the university institute of technology organised a number of fun and educational workshops on two campuses. Students from primary to secondary school were able to try their hand at robotics, electronics and computing through games.

Finally, on 12th October, the Valenciennes Mont Houy campus welcomed a primary school for a series of sports, fun and artistic workshops.

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