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The best entrepreneurial ideas are rewarded in EUNICE!

The EUNICE Imagine Innovation Cup is a business competition between students of the different EUNICE universities. Teams will compete for their own entrepreneurial ideas by presenting their business plans to a jury.

During the academic year 2023-2024, EUNICE universities have been selecting their resepctive teams to represent them in this inter-university final competition. The winner of last edition, which took place at the University of Catania, in Italy, was the team representing the University of Cantabria. So, this year’s final will be hosted by the University of Cantabria, in Spain, from 11 to 12 July, 2024. The wining team will be awarded a one-thousand-euro prize.

ProgrammeRules and conditions

11-12 July 2024 | Santander, Spain
G. Gómez Laá hall – 2nd floor
56, Los Castros Avenue – Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business
University of Cantabria

EUNICE Imagine Innovation Cup 2024. 11-12 July. Santander, Spain.

Competing teams:

ConStud | Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany)

An app for university students to connect with each other and make it easier for them to get help and support their peers within the same university.

Green Dog Protect | University of Cantabria (Spain)

An enterprise of manufacturing and commercialisation of sustainable pet accessories made of recycled materials and committed to circular economy.

PASSI in Segni | University of Catania (Italy)

A solution to provide deaf and deafblind individuals with language services, as subtitling, sign language, or lip reading, among other tools.

Walkbox | Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (France)

An all-in-one mobile device that provides users with maps and other information about their surroundings, in order for them to feel safe or not get lost in an unknown place.

Unbiased Cathode | Karlstad University (Sweden)

An intelligent decision-making tool for managing energy within renewable energy communities by combining large language models with optimisation techniques.

Guardaxia | University of Mons (Belgium)

A connected bracelet designed to protect users against aggressors by alerting the emergency contacts of the person wearing it and triggering a loud alarm, for example.

AndanteCaps | Poznan University of Technology (Poland)

A fast-charging and long-lasting energy storage device that introduces hybrid lithium-ion capacitors, which will be more cost-effective than current lithium-ion batteries.

Unicore | University of Vaasa (Finland)

The deployment of a constellation in Low Earth Orbit to deliver Positioning Navigation and Timing services, a solution to enhance navigation accuracy in different areas, such as logistics, aerial mobility, marine navigation, etc.

Bucket | Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (Portugal)

A digital platform for both user-friendly and eco-friendly car washes, and where clients can ask service providers to wash their car at a location that suits them best.

Pictures of the final (speakers in same order as the list above):

Read the article on the podium (here)!

Get to know the participants (here) and winners of last edition!