The University of Vaasa launched its new Preparedness and Resilience Research Platform (PREP) on Tuesday, 28 January, with an inaugural seminar titled “Preparedness and Resilience as Support for National Success.” The event featured discussions on Finland’s position in the international security environment and on preparedness and resilience in a multi-crisis environment.
The Preparedness and Resilience Research Platform (PREP) is an open, multidisciplinary research environment.
“The themes of the Resilience Platform are related to comprehensive security, economic and societal resilience, as well as preparedness and technology,” said the university’s rector Minna Martikainen at the seminar.
According to Rector Martikainen, there is now a clear societal demand for these themes: geopolitical tensions, economic uncertainty, and societal challenges are currently testing businesses, individuals, and society. For example, the war in Ukraine has created a crisis situation that is reflected in economic instability in Europe and beyond.
“One significant challenge is the lack of information. The university has a key role here, as we can research, bring experts together, and solve problems through research projects, information dissemination, and teaching.”
The platform will enhance research on economic and societal resilience, as well as comprehensive security and preparedness. The research includes a wide range of topics related to resilience and preparedness, as well as their intersections.
Read more about the Preparedness and Resilience Research Platform (PREP).