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EUNICE Book Club by Assim de repente…

“Assim de repente…” was created as a space for exploration and sharing, where reading is the common element for everyone. Freedom is the theme that guides the project and is an imperative concept. A book club created by students for students, where responsibility is present in everyone. We are responsible for each other and for passing on knowledge and experiences that can contribute to the exercise of the project’s guiding principles.

Our ambition is for the group to grow as a result of exposure to new
horizons, allowing students to encounter literary worlds that are as yet unknown,
stimulating curiosity for recreational reading.
Our basic principles are freedom, equality, inclusion and the promotion of
culture and pleasure through reading.

Join this book club,

a space for exploration and sharing,

where reading is the common element for everyone.

EUNICE students

  • The students meet on a monthly basis to present and discuss books, with a perspective of freedom to read and talk about texts that interest them.
  • The selected books can result from a common consensus on a book, a set of books, or a free choice by each participant.
  • In addition, throughout the year, we will develop a series of initiatives,
    consisting of challenges, talks, and a visit to a literary space.
  • These discussions are enriched by the multiculturalism of the participants, where works by authors from different countries can be shared and students can come into contact with new literary forms and practices.
  • Target Groups: The club is open to all students attending any cycle of
    studies at the alliance’s universities.


Luis Pedro Ferreira, IPV

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