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Representatives of this Polish associated partner of EUNICE visited the University of Cantabria (Spain) to explore the signing of a collaboration agreement

EUNICE alliance facilitates its members the establishment of new international collaborations in teaching and research. For instance, Karol Adam Kamiński, Vice-Rector for Preventive Medicine and Open Science of the Medical University of Bialystok (Poland) recently visited the University of Cantabria (UC). This Polish university is an associated partner of EUNICE seeking to expand its collaboration network in the field of health, with special interest in the biomedical cluster of Cantabria (UC, IBBTEC and IDIVAL).

Professor Kamiński gave a lecture on “Bialystok plus – A Comprehensive General Population Cohort Study – Chances for Synergies and Cooperation”. It was part of the “Santander Biomedical Lectures” programme and took place at Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, a national reference hospital in Spain with a strong research institute IDIVAL.

Meeting attendees UNiversity of Canabria and Medical University of Bialystok

Kamiński was recived by the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Global Engagement of the University of Cantabria, Matxalen Llosa; Marcos López, Scientific Director of the Valdecilla Health Research Institute; Gabriel Moncalián, Academic Director of EUNICE at UC; and Águeda Sánchez, from the International Relations Office of UC. The possibility of creating a student exchange agreement in the area of Health Sciences was also explored.

Open for collaborations in all EUNICE

Medical University of Bialystok is seeking for international research collaborations not only with the University of Cantabria, but with all the ten EUNICE universities. For this purpose, the Polish institution invites all the EUNICE academic community to webinars on key and modern areas of medicine. The next one will happen on 17th December, from 11:00 to 12:00 CET.

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