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EUNICE course catalogue has been updated with the addition of 14 new online courses for some of which deadlines are nearing. 
EUNICE European University has launched 14 new virtual courses through a collaborative offer in which the seven partner universities are involved. Aiming to reinforce EUNICE students’ curriculum and to let them customise their own studies, these modules will be able to fit in a variety of study programmes -as they will cover many different areas of knowledge- and give access to obtaining ECTS credits recognised at all the university partners. In order to foster an open-minded sense, these courses will enable students and lecturers from different universities to interact in an international and multicultural context. In the same way, a EUNICE Moodle platform will be set up to which every enrolled student will be given access.
Students from the seven alliance’s university members are eligible for these courses, which will be accessible through EUNICE’s own Moodle platform. Application deadlines are approaching and all the details are available at www.eunice-university.ey/courses.
Christin Handrek, EUNICE Project Coordinator at BTU – Brandenburg University of Technology and expert in Mobility, will be hosting an InstaLive session on Thursday 20th January at 3 pm to answer all the questions students might have about the EUNICE virtual courses 2022. Join on BTU’s official Instagram channel. Don’t miss it!