Applications are open for the courses that will take place in the first semester of the next academic year 2022-2023
EUNICE – European University for Customised Education has launched for the first time a wide scope of language courses aiming to enhance communication skills of students, lecturers and staff. Online applications are now open for the 12 language courses to the members of the seven partner universities in EUNICE alliance: (Poznań University of Technology -Poland-, Brandenburg University of Technology -Germany-, University of Cantabria -Spain-, University of Mons -Belgium-, University of Catania -Italy-, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France -France- and University of Vaasa -Finland-).

These courses, specifically designed by teachers of different universities, are divided into two categories:
- Seven courses introducing the national languages of the Alliance: German, Polish, Spanish, French, Italian, Swedish and Finnish at the beginner level.
- Five English courses focused on specialised topics to help participants master Shakespeare’s language at different levels: English for Specific Purposes (engineering), English for Academics, English for General Communication, Tandem course, English as a Medium of Instruction.
All of them be tought in English and while some courses are open to everyone, others are designed for specific profiles (students, PhD, academics, etc.) or will have a limited number of participants (English courses).

By fostering multilingualism, the Alliance aims to promote the European values of multiculturalism and openness, and for those who would be interested in having an experience abroad like the Erasmus program this is an opportunity for a first contact with European students and destinations. In the other hand, taking part in the English courses will allow meeting an imperative for the professional success of students, lecturers and staff: fluency in English.
In accordance with each university own procedures, attendees might be able to get recognition for their completion of the course through the validation of 2 ECTS (students) or through the activation of a local mechanism of recognition for extra training for staff members. Applicants who wish to get recognition for participation are invited to tick the appropriate box in the registration form.
Detailed information about the language courses catalogue, including study guides and online application forms, is available on the EUNICE website ( ).