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Pilot EUNICE Expertise Exchange Platform

By 27/07/2024August 8th, 2024No Comments

Staff members from EUNICE universities are now invited to sign up to the platform and propose their ideas for possible use cases.

EUNICE has published its new tool for innovation management and expertise exchange. The EUNICE Expertise Exchange Platform powered by Catalyst, dedicated to solving problems together, will help EUNICE universities, located in different corners of Europe, to collaborate, innovate and interact with each other and with their local stakeholders. It´s conceived to offer an easy way to engage with experts from different organisations, and to facilitate the ideation and innovation processes within the EUNICE community.

Created in the REUNICE project, the EUNICE Expertise Exchange Platform is currently at its piloting stage. Staff members from EUNICE universities are now invited to sign up to Catalyst and propose their ideas for possible use cases.

In autumn 2023, the platform was already successfully tested at the University of Vaasa (Finland), where staff members proposed over 30 new ideas on how to retain international talent in the region, and other pilot use cases are in the making.


How to use the platform?

Specifically, the platform is designed to answer three categories of use cases: Internal, External, and Innovation use cases. The internal use cases are the use cases that most commonly you see within universities. These include: idea collection, invention disclosures, internal process improvement, or other specific project campaigns. The external use cases are the most common collaboration use cases between universities and external actors. These use cases include: limited access campaigns, external campaigns mediated by EUNICE, and community creation. The Innovation use cases include incubation, case matching, and funding track matchmaking.

  1. Sign up for the platform. Share your ideas and interact. After signing up, you will be able to see all ongoing campaigns. You can submit your idea for a specific ongoing campaign, view ideas others have others have proposed and interact with others by commenting, liking, and in some use cases, voting on ideas.
  2. Create your own campaign. If you want to create your own campaign to pilot the platform in one of the use cases that we have previously mentioned, book a meeting with Riccardo Notarangelo at In this meeting we can determine the right way to implement your campaign.

The platform has been created within the REUNICE project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 101035813