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Master’s Degree

Bioinspired Chemistry

This programme will take place from September 2024 to August 2025. The enrolment is already closed.

About the Master’s Degree


The Master program in Bioinspired Chemistry explores and takes inspiration from structures and assemblies found in nature to design new approaches for facing challenges in health, energy, information technologies, materials, and catalysis. This emerging area implies a multidisciplinary approach gathering domains of (bio)chemistry, (bio)materials, supramolecular systems, macromolecules, nanomedicine, self-organization, and nanosciences.

This program offers a unique opportunity to explore and get inspired by living systems to develop cutting-edge technologies.

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A combination of courses taught by three EUNICE universities

This programme includes courses taught by three of EUNICE’s European partners, enabling students to benefit from their respective expertise.

Courses are provided by:

  • University of Mons (UMONS)
  • Poznan University of Technology (PUT)
  • University of Catania (UNICT)

Courses are taught in English.



This Master’s degree aims at offering an educational background connecting the laboratory environment and the living world to mimic complex strategies elaborated by nature, which represents infinite scientific and technological challenges. These challenges will be taken up through bioinspiration and biomimicry angles keeping in mind environmental awareness and ethics, while responding to ecological and sustainable transition challenges.


Hybrid learning: face-to-face and online courses

  • 6 credits for the summer school
    A one-week summer school will be organized at the beginning of the academic year (September) during which basic seminars in the field of Bioinspired Chemistry and research activities that are developed in each university will be presented. Students will also be involved in a project
    based on existing literature.
  • 24 credits of elective courses
    To choose in a EUNICE list constituted by courses from each partner university. Students can customize their course program by choosing 24 credits from a list (at least 12 credits in their home university). Courses will be given during the period from September to December, either face-to-face (local courses) or online (partners courses).
  • 30 credits for the Master’s thesis
    The Master’s thesis involves research that must be conducted in one of the partner universities, with a physical mobility of 3 to 5 months between February and June. The research topic should be chosen in agreement between the home institution and the host university.


Admission requirements

This Master’s degree is open to any European student enrolled in one of the three partner universities of this program.

Students must be enrolled in Master 1 (1st year of Master) and have a background in Chemistry/Physics/Biology/Engineering.

Students must be proficient in English (at least B2 level).

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For any question regarding the Master’s degree in Bioinspired Chemistry, please reach out at