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Our Mission

EUNICE, the European University for Customised Education, is a transnational alliance of public universities founded in 2020 and currently present in ten countries: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.

Together we have a clear focus: to transform students’ and teachers’ experience.

  • By enabling customised learning paths at a European scale;
  • Developing good practices for knowledge sharing among staff, interdisciplinary research and educational approaches capable of tackling the global issues of our time;
  • Ensuring that research and innovation address the socio-economic challenges that our regional ecosystems face.


To foster 21st century European citizenship,

anchored in intercultural communication,

inclusion and environmental stewardship.


Training a new generation of Europeans

We need to move from a classical model of higher education where students are passive recipients of expert knowledge to an approach focused on:

flexibility in the educational offer, enabling learners to access high quality lifelong knowledge;
● meeting the specific and constantly evolving needs of today’s working world;
empowering diverse learners to realise their full potential.

This new model requires a deep shift away from the one-size fits all ethos of the industrial revolution, to instead provide tailored-made solutions that respond to the specific needs of each individual, recognizing their diverse and intersecting identities (gender, ethnicity, etc.) and unique personal interests, challenges and aspirations.

Insights into individual learning processes and behavioural economics, allied with technological advances, make it possible to begin shifting our educational models towards customised student-centred learning for all.

Tackling global challenges through interdisciplinary approaches

Customised learning pathways by definition cross traditional disciplinary boundaries because they answer the specific needs and interests of individual learners. In this they echo a growing awareness that research and innovation tend to happen at the interfaces between fields and, most important of all, that global questions can only be solved through interdisciplinary approaches: i.e.  the transition to a digital and sustainable development of society. This reality is reflected in the very structure of our universities.

Unlike most European Universities, EUNICE integrates both comprehensive and specialised universities in social sciences and technology. This combination gives us a unique profile as an alliance and a deep understanding of how to promote such approaches at an institutional level.

Boosting our regions’ potential

Our focus on customised education and interdisciplinary approaches is grounded in our role as regional ecosystem hubs, which is the third key feature of our alliance.

By uniting, we connect our regions to each other, to the European landscape and to the world globally in order to create fairer and more balanced societies and enable development that respects people, local contexts as well as global environments.

At EUNICE, we believe that together we can overcome the barriers that each of our institutions faces apart. We can become a ground-breaking European University, fully aligned with the core objectives of the European Strategy for Universities to strengthen the European dimension in higher education and research, become lighthouses of the European way of life, enable the twin green and digital transitions and drive the EU’s global role and leadership.



Providing learning that is adapted to individual needs: customised academic trahectories, automatic recognition, formats such as micro-credentials.


Committed to achieving excellence in pedagogy and strong professional development initiatives for researchers, educators and administrative staff.


Our academic programmes will work across disciplinary boundaries. We will combine our different university profiles to train our students in global competences, digital skills and skills for the green transition.

Forward looking

Ensuring that students have the skills to adapt as technologies, economies, environment and societies change


Considering communication and language skills to be essential, and ensuring that our students participate in international experiences.

Open to all

Promoting Lifelong Learning and offer courses, modules and programmes for those seeking professional development.

Customised support

To strengthen all dimensions of student services to better meet individual student needs.

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