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Who is Who in IRO

Simple, online and open-source: Show who does what in your IRO

This tool aims to define the titles, tasks and responsibilities of personnel working at the university’s International Office. The chart may be modified according to each individual university’s structure and IRO hierarchy.

Objectives of the tool

Objectives of this tool are to be able to introduce each institutions’ IRO in a simple and straightforward way, by pointing out the names, roles and responsibilities of IRO workers.

When each organization creates their own chart, it will be very convenient for partners to look up the information they need easily.

Furthermore, this tool aims to make networking with IRO colleagues from other partner organizations easier, providing the most essential information about the structure and personnel of the institution’s IRO.

This tool also aims to facilitate the onboarding of new colleagues easier when they join the organization: it’s simple to show in a presentation or include into the Welcome handbook tool as well.

To sum up, this tool aims to solve confusion about who does what in your local IRO, while also facilitating the issue of getting in touch with the right person quickly.

How does it work?

The app enables users to visually map organizational structures by capturing key information such as names, titles, departments, and responsibilities. Its primary objective is to enhance effective communication among teams within the organisation by creating printable charts. The app starts with four cards as examples to work with. Users can start editing, copying or deleting them, and start from scratch.

1) Editing the organization’s name. Filling and submitting new cards.

2) Copying, editing and deleting the cards. Adding empty cards. Editing Management container name.

3) Opening the help window. Saving and loading the process (files can be sent and used by other users). Printing the website.


An online chart maker
An open source access to the page’s code

Stay tuned for the release of upcoming tools!

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