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PhD Activities

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The course aims to provide the basic concepts of sustainability in the different dimensions (social, environmental, economic) and the management concepts to implement sustainability within a public organizations and private companies.

It will focus on the role of public policies to achieve the sustainability objectives of Agenda 2030 highlighting their interaction with private interests and the society. Relevant case studies will be presented by experts and professionals.

  • Dates: from 16 to 20 September 2024, Catania, Italy.
  • Hybrid programme: 6ECTS, on-line and on-site learning.
  • Application deadline: from 2 to 12 July 2024.
  • Candidates: EUNICE PhD students.
  • More info about the Certificate Programme.


2nd Reunice Workshop. Multi-functional materials and sustainability. 3-5 July in Catania, at via Valdisavoia 9. Sicily, Italy.

The 2nd edition of this workshop focuses on the study, synthesis, and application of materials in different strategical fields for a sustainable development. The attendance of Ph.D. students and young researchers is strongly encouraged. Read more.

  • When: from 3 to 5 July 2024
  • Where: Catania (Sicily, Italy)
  • Who for: Ph.D. students from EUNICE universities (find out if you belong to a EUNICE university) and other Ph.D. students online
  • Check the travel guide!
Workshop Programme
Check testimonials from 2023 edition!


2nd Reunice Doctoral Summer School. Multi-functional materials and sustainability. 1-5 July in Catania, at via Etnea, 742. Sicily, Italy.
  • When: from 1 to 5 July 2024
  • Where: Catania (Sicily, Italy)
  • Who for: Ph.D. students from EUNICE universities (find out if you belong to a EUNICE university) and other Ph.D. students online
    • Note: the above-mentioned workshop will be part of the programme of this doctoral summer school. But this does not mean that all participants of the workshop have to be also participants of this doctoral summer school


In 2023 the REUNICE Doctoral Summer School focused on the different aspects of Sustainable Science starting from the fundamental definition, continuing with the crosslink with Artificial Intelligence and transversal skills (day 3 and 4), and ending with practical examples of sustainable science in Environment, ICT and social innovation .

  • Dates: from 10 to 14 July 2023.
  • Participants: 14 Doctoral Candidates from EUNICE University (2 per each partner) and other Doctoral candidates online.

ARTICLE: Two summer schools at the University of Catania involved more than 40 students from 7 countries


Companies, join us!

From 5th to 7th October 2022, three workshops took place at the University of Catania (UNICT – Italy):

1. Workshop: ‘Industry-driven Education‘. Spread over 2 days.

  • Day 1: building expertise in industry-driven Ph.D. opportunities within EUNICE and an advisory process on industry-driven Ph.D.
  • Day 2: opportunity to meet other actors in the same field and to get an international overview.

2. Workshop: ‘Knowledge Triangle‘. Co-organised by UNICT and University of Mons (UMONS – Belgium). Dynamics of EUNICE to be experienced with other research actors.

3. Workshop 3.1. and 3.2.: for researchers and for EUNICE staff members. They will take place simultaneously.

ARTICLE: The first “Industry-driven Education” Workshops identify priority research topics for the labour market 

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