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The University of Vaasa welcomed delegations from EUNICE partner universities on 14-16 February to plan the next steps of the consortium where to shape the future of European higher education

The General Assembly and transnational meeting of EUNICE European University alliance took place from 14th to 16th February at the University of Vaasa, in Finland. After submitting the new project proposal for upcoming years in January, Rectors, Presidents and other representatives of EUNICE universities had the opportunity to meet onsite.

At the opening ceremony of the General Assembly, the newly formed EUNICE Mission Statement was signed. The mission of the alliance is to train a new generation of Europeans, tackle global challenges through interdisciplinary approaches and boost the regions’ potential.

“It is important that we are leading the way for the future of higher education in Europe. We can create solutions to global challenges only through strong cooperation,” said Minna Martikainen, Rector of the University of Vaasa.

In their talks, Rectors and Presidents emphasised the possibilities and benefits which lie in working across borders towards the future of Europe, as well as the future of the regions. They also congratulated Minna Martikainen for her new position as the Rector of the University of Vaasa. The alliance will continue to develop cooperation models so that the collaboration will be an ever more integral part of the member universities’ activities.

During the meetings, strategic goals, joint vision and common research activities within the alliance were discussed. In addition, delegations planned future mobility and educational activities, joint Excellence Programmes and learned about digital Open Badges that offer a standard, verifiable way to validate skills, competencies and achievements.

Representing their universities in the ceremony were Philippe Dubois, President of the University of Mons (Belgium); Teofil Jesionowsky; Rector of Poznań University of Technology (Poland); Ángel Pazos, Rector of University of Cantabria (Spain), Margareta Friman, Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University of Karlstad (Sweden); Gesine Grande, President of Brandenburg University of Technology (Germany); José Costa, President of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (Portugal), Sébastien Grondel, Project Leader from Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, and Professor Lucia Zappalà from the University of Catania (Italy).

Caption: reception at Vaasa City Hall

Photographer: Harri Huusko, University of Vaasa

Caption: General Assembly opening ceremony at University of Vaasa

Photographer: Harri Huusko, University of Vaasa

Caption: work meetings and tours

Photographer: Harri Huusko, University of Vaasa


EUNICE, the European University for Customised Education, is designed to solve social and economic challenges, both globally and locally. In 2020, EUNICE was selected during the second call for pilot projects of European Universities of the European Commission and its funded by Erasmus+ Programme. The alliance is nurtured by ten universities’ intellectual and infrastructure input –Poznań University of Technology (Poland), Brandenburg University of Technology (Germany), University of Cantabria (Spain), University of Mons (Belgium), University of Catania (Italy), Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (France), University of Vaasa (Finland), Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (Portugal), University of Peloponnese (Greece) and University of Karlstad (Sweden)–.

This alliance, born from the European Universities initiative and funded by the European Commission, is building a solid network of interactions between educational institutions and other agents to work on social and economic challenges. Since 2022 EUNICE offers a wide catalogue of online courses that Bachelor, Master and PhD student of the member universities can enrol and may get recognised as part of their formal academic degree with ECTS.