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The European University EUNICE stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and strongly condemns Russia’s attack.

As a European university, EUNICE sees itself as a multicultural and cosmopolitan alliance. The cross-border exchange of knowledge, students and academics is essential for us. Democratic principles, self-determination and respect for human rights are among the cornerstones of peaceful coexistence. We are committed to strengthening a non-discriminatory and equal society.

We are shocked by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which attacks all our values, and we deeply condemn it. We express genuine solidarity towards the people who have been involved and a special closeness with the academic community in Ukraine.

Each of our seven partner universities is taking action to promote practical measures for the benefit and support of colleagues and students who are victims of the situation,  for instance by hosting them and their families in the dormitories, by helping the students from Ukraine to continue their studies or by providing psychological help. The universities act both locally and support national initiatives.

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