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Student clubs

A new concept of university life

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Rêves So Nord

Music Club

Boundless Cinema Club


Cinema Club

Research Student Clubs


Student Clubs

♦ What are the EUNICE Clubs?

EUNICE clubs are all non-profit student organisations whose main purpose is to create informal spaces for the development of key competencies. They contribute to enhance skills such as cognitive flexibility, communication, digital competence, interculturality, problem solving, self-management and teamwork.

♥ Student Membership

EUNICE clubs are open to students of the universities that are part of the alliance and request to participate in the activities of the clubs. Other individual not enrolled in a EUNICE university can join by submmiting a letter of interest to the club coordinating team.

♣ I´d like to create a Club

Check here if your organisation can meet the requisites of a EUNICE Club

These student organisations must meet the following requirements:

  • Registration: Pre-existing clubs that wish to gain an international dimension as part of the EUNICE Clubs initiative must also follow the criteria outlined in this document and be registered on the EUNICE Moodle platform. This ensures that all clubs, whether newly formed or established, are integrated into the alliance’s broader network and have/give access to members across the universities.
  • Initiative and registration location: Although students from different universities in the alliance may participate in EUNICE clubs, the registration shall be considered as originating at the university where the initiative to create the club began. This university will handle the initial registration process on the EUNICE Moodle platform.
  • Membership composition: EUNICE clubs may include individuals who are not enrolled in the universities of the alliance. However, at least 50% of the club’s participants must be enrolled in or work in one of the universities of the EUNICE consortium.
  • Purpose: The purpose of the EUNICE clubs must align with the core values and competencies promoted by the alliance, fostering personal and professional growth among participants.
  • Representation: Each club shall elect three representatives at its annual general assembly to represent the other members of the organisation. All representatives must be from one of the universities that are members of the consortium.
  • Voluntary participation: Membership and participation in the clubs must be voluntary.
  • Headquarters: If the club has a physical presence, its headquarters must be located in one of the cities where the universities that are part of the alliance are present. For virtual clubs, the primary coordination and administrative activities must be managed through the EUNICE Moodle platform.

Club rights

EUNICE clubs recognised by any university within the alliance are entitled to the following rights:

  • Official designation: Use the term EUNICE club in their promotional, dissemination and communication materials, alongside the alliance logo.
  • Access to facilities: Access spaces within each university of the Alliance for activities directly related to the club’s objectives, subject to availability.
  • Activity organization: Organise as many activities as deemed necessary to fulfil their objectives.
  • Participation in university life: Engage in the cultural, academic and intellectual life of the universities within the alliance.
  • Financial assistance request: Request financial assistance from alliance member universities for activity development, adhering to terms determined by the universities. Resources must be used solely for the development of activities aligned with the club’s objectives, and club members are responsible for their proper use.
  • Financial support: Receive financial assistance from the alliance universities for activity development, subject to budget availability. Universities are responsible for organising and publicising the allocation of aid.
  • Financial management oversight: The universities of the alliance will establish procedures to ensure the proper use of the financial aid granted to the university clubs.
  • Alliance benefits: Benefit from activities and resources developed within the framework of the EUNICE alliance.
  • Club mailbox: Have a designated mailbox with the club’s name. The use of the e-mail account must respect the rules of operation stipulated in the universities of the alliance in terms of management and operation of technological services.
  • Space allocation request: Duly registered clubs may request the universities of the alliance to use some available space following the guidelines defined by each institution of the alliance for the development of their activities.

Club duties

EUNICE clubs recognised by the alliance have the following obligations:

  • Adherence to alliance values: Uphold and respect the values of the EUNICE alliance.
  • Respect for participants’ rights: Ensure the rights of all individuals participating in the alliance’s clubs are respected.
  • Voting system: Establish a fair voting system for decision-making at club assemblies. Each club should implement an appropriate voting mechanism, ensuring that each member’s vote has equal value.
  • Compliance with regulations: Abide by the regulations of the alliance universities, as well as any specific regulations of each university that pertain to club activities.
  • Documentation and records:
    • Develop and maintain a document outlining the club’s purpose, constitution, representatives, and types of activities conducted by the club;
    • Keep accurate records of the club’s activities in accordance with established procedures.
    • Maintain an up-to-date record of all club members.
    • Prepare and keep minutes of the main agreements from the club’s assemblies.
  • Data protection: Comply with data protection regulations when managing club members’ personal information.
  • Annual meetings: Hold at least one annual meeting to coordinate activities and plan future initiatives.
  • Prohibited activities:
    • Refrain from engaging in illegal activities or those that violate human rights.
    • Avoid participating in activities that are dangerous, violent or discriminatory based on ethnicity, age, ability, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
  • Environmental impact: Avoid activities that have a negative impact on the environment.

To be officially recognised as a club, the organisation must be registered. For any question, please contact your local EUNICE office.

Stay tuned by checking regularly EUNICE News, Events or Opportunities

OpportunitiesStudent opportunitiesTeach/Research opportunitiesOpen Call: Show Your PhD and Scientific Poster Contest

Open Call: Show Your PhD and Scientific Poster Contest

Applications closed
OpportunitiesStudent opportunitiesEUNICE International Student Research Club at LEAG 2025

EUNICE International Student Research Club at LEAG 2025

Applications closed
OpportunitiesStudent opportunitiesEuropean Student Assembly 2025

European Student Assembly 2025

Applications closed

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