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Student research clubs

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2025: Student Research Club at LEAG call

♦ What are the International Student Research Clubs?

EUNICE International Student Research Clubs represent a unique initiative, bringing together students and researchers from all EUNICE partner universities. These clubs make it easy for the participants to work together by using challenge-based approaches in education, research and the economy, focusing on key areas like the digital and green transitions, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The clubs allow you to develop skills that you can use in different situations, like writing business plans, and it encourages an entrepreneurial mindset and civic engagement among students and early-career researchers. We also encourage women to join and get involved in the activity.

♥ Who can participate?

Students from all levels of education (from bachelor’s to PhD) and researchers from all EUNICE partner universities are welcome to apply.

♣ How to engage?

A call will be open biannually, and interested EUNICE students and researchers will be able to submit an individual application by completing a brief survey. This survey will request your name, surname, home institution, field of study, and level of studies or research.

As soon as we receive your application, you will be assigned to an interdisciplinary Research Club made up of EUNICE students at Bachelor, Master or PhD level.

In your Research Club, you will work virtually on the real-world-challenge posed by a company and have to prepare a short presentation, with your solution to the proposed problem.

2025: Student Research Club at LEAG call

♠ Contact

Adriana Handrich
Coordinator for the Student Research Clubs


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