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From December 10 to 13, 2024, the University of the Peloponnese hosted the 107th Hellenic Universities Rectors’ Conference in Mysta, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Peloponnese. The event, chaired by Prof. Athanasios Katsis, Rector of the University of the Peloponnese, brought together Rectors and Vice-Rectors from Greek universities, as well as policymakers, various academic stakeholders, and representatives from the European Commission and EUNICE AISBL (upon invitation).

The Hellenic Universities Rectors’ Conference, founded in 1987, serves as a vital platform for fostering collaboration among Greek academia and addressing key challenges, policies and opportunities within Greek higher education. This year’s conference, held across multiple parallel sessions, highlighted significant topics, including internationalisation, resource management (human and financial), institutional frameworks, and programme accreditation.

The plenary session of Rectors, which took place on Friday 13th of December 2024, featured distinguished guests as participants, including M. Kyriakos Pierrakakis, Minister of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, Dr. Nikolaos Papaioannou, Secretary General of Higher Education, and Dr. Pericles Mitka, President of the National Authority of Higher Education. The session underscored a strong commitment to continued collaboration between academic and political leadership to further strengthen Greek public universities.

Additionally, a session dedicated to the Internationalization and outreach of Greek universities was held on Wednesday, 11th of December 2024, chaired by Professor Efthalia (Elia) Chatzigianni, Vice Rector for Administration, International Relations and Outreach of the University of the Peloponnese. The session gathered together Greek Vice Rectors for International Relations, representatives of the Ministry of Education and key guests, including Magdalena Sikorska, Secretary General of EUNICE AISBL, and European Commission representatives, Ioana Dewandeler and Yann-Mael Bideau, Policy Officers at DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC). This session provided valuable insights on the internationalisation strategies of Greek universities, focusing on short-term study programmes, micro-credentials, digital internationalisation, European Universities Alliances and European Degrees. Emphasis was given on the need to establish joint graduate programs with universities from around the world and the promotion of international partnerships.

Through open dialogue and collaboration, the 107th Hellenic Universities Rectors’ Conference reaffirmed its commitment to enhancing the quality and global competitiveness of Greek Universities. Under the leadership of the University of the Peloponnese, this conference addressed the challenges faced by Greek universities and paved the way for initiatives to elevate their standards and international stature.

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