Intercultural relations and intercomprehension in mobility and in higher education institutions

The Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (IPV), together with Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus Senftenberg (BTU), and the University of Mons(UMons) are organising a Blended Intensive Programme, with physical mobility in February 2025, as part of the activities of the European University EUNICE and the short-term mobilities of the Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027. This programme, developed jointly by these higher education institutions, features innovative, challenge-based teaching approaches in a multicultural environment, combining short-term face-to-face mobility with virtual and collaborative learning.

Course topics

  • The importance of intercomprehension as a facilitator of interaction before and during the exchange.
  • Interculturality in everyday life and in organisations.
  • Job shadowing.

Learning outcomes

  • Developing an experiential understanding of cultural diversity
  • Developing and enhancing intercomprehension abilities to facilitate intercultural communication
  • Understanding the role the native language and cultural values for mobility
  • Understanding the other as an individual with his own values (linguistic and cultural)

Course Programme. Download button

The online component aims to familiarise participants with the theme, fhe other participants and increase their motivation to take part.

These objectives will be achieved, in a first phase, through a plurilingual approach and a didactic praxis for developing linguistic awareness, focusing on valuing all languages, based on intercomprehension exercises that will allow for the concrete realisation of a plurilingual and pluri-cultural context. In a second phase, the aim will be to make participants aware of interculturality.

In person, these concepts will be consolidated by developing competences related to plurilingual learning and intercultural dialogue.



  • Online: December 2024 – February 2025
  • On-site: 3 to 7 February 2025

Study Level: Admin/tech Staff

  1. In order to apply and guarantee Erasmus+ funding, participants should contact the International Office (IRO) of their institutions;
  2. Each IRO will establish their own internal call;
  3. The IRO’s of each institution will inform IPV about the selected participants (deadline 31 of october 2024);
  4. The IRO of IPV will send all the participants information about enrolment.

Contact your local International Relations Office to apply for Erasmus+ funding.

Task- based learning approach in a multicultural environment

Study Level
Admin/tech Staff
Applications deadline
31 October 2024
2 December - 7 February, 2025
  • Online: December 2024 – February 2025
  • On-site: 3 to 7 February 2025