Pedagogical Innovation in EUNICE
Empower your classroom!
Aiming at providing professors and staff working on pedadogical innovation with greater knowledge and tools for pedagogical improvement, EUNICE is offering them several courses, webinars and online workshops.
The online course Open Networked Learning is part of the offer.
About this online course
Open Networked Learning
Date and timetable:
03 March: 10h-12h CET – Introduction
09 April: 13h-14h CET – Connecting webinar
In addition, participants will be required to attend two to three 1-hour Zoom meetings per week during the duration of the course, with the exception of the reflection week where there are no meetings. You can decide whether to attend morning, afternoon or evening meetings and will be grouped accordingly.
Two of the scheduled meetings are with your PBL group, which is a smaller group consisting of 5-10 participants from different countries, and approximately one meeting per week is a workshop or webinar with the whole ONL community.
Where: online via Zoom
Who for: teaching staff working in a EUNICE university (check EUNICE university list here)
Send your application by 25 February 2025.
In this course we will investigate norms and biases that can circulate in an academic learning environment.
For more information please contact: