Its participation has taken place within the ‘Synergies between higher education and research’ framework.
EUNICE European University has taken part in the ‘Forum of Universities for the Future of Europe’, together with the other 40 alliances under the European Universities Initiative, the European Commission and the main stakeholders of higher education in Europe. This event has been a great opportunity to reflect on the role of higher education institutions in Europe nowadays, as well as its potential for the future.

Held with the aim of providing a space for debate and reflection on the role of universities in the Europe of the future, this Forum was attended by European higher education stakeholders, Member States, the European Commission and European universities alliances.
European Universities Initiative
The European Universities Initiative, launched in 2017, brings together 41 three-year pilot projects involving more than 280 institutions across Europe and more than 1,000 partners such as research centres, companies, etc. These 41 alliances are testing different models for an innovative, inclusive and world-class “university of the future” to develop the scientific potential of universities, coordinate different areas of innovation, address challenges such as climate change, make training more flexible and customised, promote European values and project universities towards internationalisation, among other aims.