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This section of the website is dedicated to inclusion within the EUNICE alliance, showcasing its strong commitment to diversity, equality, and social inclusion across its member institutions. Here, you can access  resources, training programs, courses, and events designed to promote and support inclusive practices.


Wikinclusion is a dynamic platform dedicated to promoting diversity, equality, and an inclusive European society. The Inclusion Wiki serves as a collaborative resource where users can contribute to building a comprehensive knowledge base on various aspects of inclusion. The site features informative articles, inspiring testimonials, practical guides, and more, all aimed at fostering understanding and dismantling biases. Explore, learn, and engage in the journey towards a more inclusive world with WikInclusion.

Explore the platform here!


Training for Effective Communication
with Students with Hearing Impairments


REUNICE Conference on Gender Equality and Inclusion in the European University


Find out more


Willy Lahaye – Head of the Social Pedagogy and Andragogy Department at UMONS

Claire Dupont – Equal Opportunities Adviser and Lecturer in Human Resources Management at UMONS

Mikaël De Clercq – ARES Research Expert on Transition to Higher Education and Visiting Lecturer at UCLouvain


We interviewed the speakers to hear their thoughts on the matter.

Watch the interviews with French subtitles
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